Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One degree of (doggy) separation

Absolutely nothing to do with communications today, but a great example of how small the world really is. I was up at the off lead dog park with my 2yo lab Holly the other morning before work when another Labrador, 1yo Molly, and owner arrived.

Molly (L) and Holly (R) playing like long lost sisters...

I'd not met either before and started chatting to the owner while our dogs started playing like crazy with each other, chasing each other, wrestling, jumping around, all in all having a great time.

Any way, the other guy (Nick) asked me where I'd got my dog from and it turns out we both got our labs from the same breeder. Not only was that in itself enough, after some further discussion and testing of the memory banks, we realised they had the same mum and dad - Holly and Molly were in fact sisters, albeit Holly was 15 months older!
Sisterly love: Holly and Molly hugging/wrestling
They had a lot of the same mannerisms and both had the defining gold 'racing stripe' down the back. Holly had a little bit of excess baggage but insists she is just big boned...

It just goes to show how small the world is. Needless to say Holly and Molly have now got regular play dates scheduled.


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