Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lesson #1: All about me

Hi, and welcome to my blog. Another blog I hear you say, what do I have to offer you that's so different from everyone else out there? What can I say that hasn't been said, done, plagiarized and shot down the fibre to disperse across the little thing called the internet?

Well, at this stage I don't know - but I am determined to find out and if you want to join the journey with me then I'd be stoked. Hopefully along the way we can both learn something.

First thing for you to learn is very self indulgent of me - lesson one is all about me! I'm currently a second year MBA student working in corporate communications for an ambulance service. My blogs will share my learnings, experiences and thoughts on internal communications, social media, issues management and strategic communications.

Thanks for coming this far, I promise to you now that the next posts will be less about me and more about the world we communicate in.


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