Saturday, July 30, 2011

My favourite communication iPad apps

I received an iPad for work pretty early on in the piece, but I must admit I was a slow adaptor to integrating it into my life as a work tool. I always found it a nifty gadget to have around the home, but I couldn't find a niche for it in my day to day work. Until about three months ago when I committed to exploring its potential more as a business tool. And to do that required findng the right apps.

In no particular order, here are the six apps that I believe maximise the benefit an iPad can offer to a communication pro. I wouldn't say I can't do my job without them, but they do help.

Must have apps: The logos of my six favourite communication iPad apps
1. Evernote
Evernote is a simple, free note taking system that I now use to record meeting minutes and actions, conversations, interviews and general thoughts that come to me at 2.13am when I should be fast asleep. Best thing about it is the integration and synchronisation with an Evernote account, allowing you to access the same notes on any computer with internet access simply through their website. Growing more on me every day.
2. Flipboard

When Flipboard first launched it was definitely the flavour of the month. Opinion has cooled slightly since but I still find a great way to review my social media streams. The international news content is good as well, however lacks any real Australian content. Still worth having as a more user friendly way to review what others are saying in the SM world.

3. Dropbox and 4. Readdledocs

I've linked these two together as I believe to get the most out of one, you shoul also have the other. Dropbox acts as a cloud for you to store documents on and view from anywhere with internet access. It's free and gives you 1gb of storage straight up. The only downside is that to view documents offline you have to synch each document individually. Enter Readdledocs, a paid app ($5.99), but allows you to access your Dropbox account and synch your whole account in one go. Much better!

5. Tweetdeck

I find Tweetdeck the best social media coordinating tool. Sure it has some flaws, but much better and easier to use than the Twitter iPad app.

6. Kindle for iPad

Okay, so not purely a communication pro tool, but definitely worth having on the iPad. My reading has increased dramatically since installing this app. It means those minutes waiting for a meeting to start or client to arrive can be put to use reading a few more pages. My biggest frustration is not knowing how many 'real' pages I've read, but overall I'm a convert to the e-book.

I'm sure this list is far from definitive, but it is what I use so far and have found helpful. What are your suggestions?


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