Thursday, June 16, 2011

Parliamentary ejections: are they still acceptable behaviour?

I've been watching Victorian and Federal parliament question time sittings with interest this week (get a life, I hear ya) and am amazed that the standard of behaviour continues to be seen as acceptable by our apparent leaders.

In Canberra on Wednesday we had six pollies ejected from question time, including one who was out for 24 hours. This led the Speaker, Harry Jenkins, to allude that 'Those outside expect better from all of us, from all of us. And I'm conscious that that includes myself.'. I say he is on the money - we do and should expect better. I stated in a tweet at the time that if six players were sin binned during the State of Origin rugby league match there would be outcry. Yet some how it is seen as part of the theatrics, the drama of politics.

Again today, four politicians were ejected from the Victorian parliament. But again this seems to be seen as normal behaviour. My far from scientific evidence reveals two tweets throughout the day about the Spring St ejections. By comparison the suspension of Geelong football player was mentioned in 105 tweets. Why is it that we as a community seem to be outraged when  footballer is suspended but don't bat an eyelid when the people paid to represent us act out of line and essentially behave in a manner that would not be tolerated in any other workplace or schoolyard?

Maybe I'm the one out of touch and this sort of drama is needed to ensure that there is at least something colourful to fill the required token quota of political coverage on the nightly news, but I will say with certainty that the Mr Jenkins was definitely speaking for me yesterday - I do expect better.


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